Saturday, April 7, 2012

Opening the box

How in the world is NutriSystem going to send me a month's worth of food that isn't frozen?

I received my package yesterday about 4 pm.  I decided to wait until this morning to start so I'd start with breakfast.  The ginormous box is filled with individual packages, kind of like a convenience store dumped off their excess stock on my doorstep.  Where in the world am I going to put this in our tiny kitchen?

I opened up the vanilla shake box (there's 2) and made myself a shake with NutriSystem's cool little shaker protein shake drink bottle.  No chunks of powdered protein mix! YAY!  Then I saw the 2nd box of vanilla shakes and thought "why can't I combine these into one box and save space?"  So I ripped off the top and side flaps of the box I'd opened, and put the 2nd box's contents into the first box.  Now I have all the vanilla shakes in one place, and a lidless box that I can just reach in and grab a shake packet.  I have to be honest though, vanilla is not my favorite shake flavor, so I probably won't be ordering more of it.

Next, I'm supposed to eat a breakfast item.  Have you seen what's available for breakfast on NutriSystem?  Are they sure I can eat this stuff?  Muffins, scones, oatmeal, cereal ... YUM!  I chose a cranberry orange shortcake looking thing.  It was kinda small, so I was worried I'd get hungry.  But I ate it in small bites, and it was really good!  It's going on my list of favorites. 

I have to say -- I absolutely LOVE the daily tracking system and the color coding on the meals.  I wanted a system that required minimal effort on my part and this is it!  I don't like to make menu plans, shop for groceries, spend an hour in the kitchen making a meal, and all that goes with it.  I'd rather just grab something, pop it in the microwave, and go.  So, yes, I tend to want to eat out more than I should.  I still haven't figured out where I'm going to store the food yet, but I'm currently putting each food item type in a separate Wal-Mart shopping bag to at least get it all separated.  

Here's a pic of my vanilla shake container box (and I did the same with the chocolate!) ...

What do you do to store food?  How do you make storage work in a small kitchen?  I'd love to hear your ideas!

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